2024 Field Prep

6/24/24 Demo day with robots & GPS
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5/31/24 Workinโ€™ for the weekend.
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5/16/24 Field prep complete + outfield lines painted.
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5/10/24 Fields tilled and dragged. Work continues this week alongside Kidsports.
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4/12/24 Fields emerge from winter
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2023 Recap

5/1/23 Fields emerge from winter
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5/10/23 First infield drag completed
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5/18/23 Outfield is painted.
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5/19/23 Full day of effort.
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6/3/23 Off day = work day
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6/9/23 North Field & South Field leveling work
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South Field home plate dirt leveling and overall infield clean-up.
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8/3/23 & 8/4/23
Both fields were fully roterrad and dragged on the following day.
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